Wednesday, February 5, 2014

poor me...RICH ME!

   At the beginning of last month our church had a mother/daughter retreat and the theme for the retreat was "poor me...RICH ME! - your poverty before God and the wealth He wants to give you...". I was very encouraged by the teaching sessions and I wanted to review them, so I thought writing up a post would be a good opportunity to share my notes/thoughts... To start with I want to share our theme chapter that we memorized... 

"Praise the Lord! Praise, O servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord! Blessed be the name of the Lord from this time forth and forevermore! From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised! The Lord is high above all nations, and His glory above the heavens! Who is like the Lord our God, who is seated on high, who looks far down on the heavens and the earth? He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap, to make them sit with princes, with the princes of his people. He gives the barren woman a home, making her the joyous mother of children. Praise the Lord!" Psalm 113 (emphasis mine)

   I just love this Psalm...! It's showing how great and awesome our God, the creator of the universe is! "He looks far down, on the heavens and the earth...", who are we that He wants to bless us, that He would look far down on us? I'm always amazed at God's amazing love and grace!!
   First, we began with a biblical description of being poor, because in the culture we live in where hardly any of us goes a day without three meals, we tend to automatically think of being poor as just having no money and as a very low thing. I know that personally that is the first thing that came to my mind.
   But, being poor also can mean: that we are dependent on another person - we are lacking in ability or training - we have little or nothing - we are lacking a resource or quality- something that is faulty or inferior - or something that is humble or pitiful. Here's a definition from the Bible of being poor: 

"Being empty or needy in any way and unable to fill that need on your own".

   We are very poor in God's eyes, we are sinners, deserving of death. I know that personally I struggle with admitting that I am weak, or struggling. These lessons helped me to see more clearly how much God loves the poor, and how I need to be poor before Him!! James 2:5 - "Listen, my beloved brothers, has not God chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom, which he has promised to those who love him?" God loves the poor! 
   A little child is very poor and is a perfect example of poverty. When they are first born they really can't do anything for themselves, can they? They have to rely completely on their parents, siblings, and others for care and love. They expect us to help them! They trust us with their very lives...because if we didn't feed them, or keep them warm... they would die! They aren't ashamed to admit that they are poor either, all to often we think we are so rich that it's something we think is way to humbling to admit that, "we are failing, and God we need your help"... But before God we should be just like little children!!! 
   God is SO RICH and we are SO POOR... We must come to God empty and with the faith of a little child, asking Him to fill us up. And He's waiting, come to Him as a little child - humble and with complete faith, with your cup in your hand asking Him to give you living water! You'll be blessed...
   One example that stuck out to me in the teaching time was this, God's not going to write you one big check from His "bank of riches", and give it to you for the rest of your life. No! He gives you the riches a dollar at a time, He wants you to be completely dependent on Him for everything and to keep coming back humbly for more! And He will give you just the right amount you need - just at the right time.
"Our treasure in Christ is the presence of the
 glory of God dwelling in us by the Holy Spirit." 

   Just think how RICH we are because of HIM! We have eternal life- because of Him!, we have the Bible, God's very words- because of Him!, we have a new heart - because of Him!, we have access to God through prayer - because of Him!, we have His glorious Spirit in us - because of Him!, we have the resources of the Church - because of Him! I don't know about you friends, but that makes me SO excited!! And, so very thankful...

"He makes us rich spiritually - it's His gift to us - so that He will get the glory." 

 Our treasure brings us life rather than condemnation! Our treasure is permanent and lasts forever! Our treasure enables us to behold the glory of God! And our treasure transforms us into the likeness of God's glory...! God HIMSELF is the treasure He has put in us!!! Praise God!

"God uses our poverty in this life to
achieve our wealth in the life to come." 

  The treasures that God has given us then makes us bold to share the gospel in how we live out our lives, and in sharing it with those around us. It allows us to rejoice in affliction, poverty and persecution. May those who just see us on the outside, either in a store, at a park, anywhere - be able to see just by looking at us that "they have something that I don't." And may they turn to God. Be a bright light for Christ, to bring Him glory!! 
   We must become poor just like a little child, if we are to obtain these glorious riches. Our Heavenly Father delights in us, and longs to give us His riches! Trust in Christ for all things... - feast upon the Bible... - ask Him for His blessings in prayer... - immerse yourself in His people... - walk by the Spirit... 

We are rich because of HIM! Praise God... 

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