Thursday, January 30, 2014

Let us run with endurance!!

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God."
Hebrews 12:1-2

Look to Jesus, pour your life into knowing Him! Search His Word, pray to Him... Your love for Him will grow to amazing heights!!! He's always faithful... 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

He said he didn't believe in God...

This young lady had an awesome and very simple yet powerful answer...May we all be ready to give an answer to those we meet. I tend to not share my faith at every opportunity I get and later regret it, but I pray with God's help I will be constantly looking for people to share the gospel with. I'm always afraid of not knowing what to say at the right time...or if they will take it right, but you know, that's all in God's hands and He will give the right words to say at the right time :) I encourage you to go be a bright light for Him, not just today, but everyday. Just think, something you may say to another person, no matter how simple or insignificant it may seem to you, could change their lives, because that's how good our awesome God is!!! Pray that He will bring people into your path today to minister to and share His amazing grace and love to. I must admit that I have been rather, well I guess you could say afraid/nervous, of praying this before ;) Since I am not someone who will just walk up to a stranger and start talking with them, but I've found that handing tracts out to people is a very easy way to strike up a conversation, so just keep several tracts with you, they'll come in handy :) Even if you don't have a very in depth or long conversation with them, God can do amazing things with that one tract! Anyways, Here's a link to this short video, I pray that it will encourage you to share the gospel with those God has put in your life.

"but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence;" 
1 Peter 3:15

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Photo Challenge - Week 4

January 19th - Sport ~ Football and Ultimate two favorite sports ;)

January 20th - Home ~ There's no place like home... 

January 21st - Morning ~ Start the day with God's Word...  

January 22nd - Window ~ View from the office... 

January 23rd - Sleep I totally feel like sleeping when my alarm goes off at these times... ;p 

January 24th - Lovin' This Right Now ~ Warm sunshine, God is so good!!!  

January 25th - Noon Quesadilla for lunch, just scroll past this fast, as this is not a very good picture...!:/

Photo Challenge - Week Three

January 12th - Chores ~ Laundry..... ;)

January 13th - Friendship "My sister, my friend..."

January 14th - Snow The closest I could get... ;)

January 15th - From My Childhood ~ I painted this when I was about 5 years old I think... :) 

January 16th - Fire ~ "Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our “God is a consuming fire."" Hebrews 12:28-29

January 17th - White ~ Snowdrops, all in bloom... 

January 18th - Favorite Product ~ My sister-in-law makes awesome sugar scrub :) 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Photo Challenge - Week Two

Since I already posted the first three pictures for the first week, here are the rest...and also the pictures from the second week.  

January 4th - Favorite Place ~ I love siting in this tree reading...or just thinking, it's so peaceful. 

January 5th - Vintage ~ This is my Great Grandma's old Avon hand cream jar :) I love it... 

January 6th - Music ~ I can't read music at all (I am going to try to someday though ;)), but I am someday, going to play this piece by Jon Schmidt :D 

January 7th - Blue ~ Josiah's Ant colony ;)

January 8th - I See This Everyday ~ I love this reminder to thank the Lord for each day...
January 9th - Architecture ~ ;)

January 10th - Game ~ If you have never played the game called "A What??", you should come play it with us :) You just need a fork and a spoon and it's so easy, that's what makes it so funny ;)

January 11th - Something You Made ~ I'm planning on filling this up with verses from the Bible...

Uncle and Nephew... :-)

Janelle took this picture the other day and I thought it was way too cute not to share! :) He was so attentively watching him for so long...! I love my nephews... (and brothers!!:)

Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy New Year (yes, it's late ;p)!!

We pray you have a blessed New Year!! 

"Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope 
by the power of the Holy Spirit."
 Romans 15:13 

Time with friends...

A few weeks ago Janelle and I along with some friends went to the Japanese Garden in Fresno. It was beautiful, I had never been there before! I think it would be really neat to go back in the spring, when all the flowers and trees are in bloom :) Here's a few pictures for you all...

This bridge was really neat, I love bridges... :)

We had so much fun taking pictures, talking, laughing (a whole lot!), eating a yummy lunch together, window shopping... and more :)

I'm so blessed to have all these wonderful girls in my life...!! 

Friday, January 3, 2014

Photo Challenge

A friend asked me to do a year long photo challenge with her, I haven't been able to successfully do something like this for a whole year before, but, decided to do it anyways!! I'm looking forward to doing it though, we are going to pick a different challenge that lists what to take a picture of each month, so I thought I'd post my pictures once a week or something, then whoever reads my blog can see them too. I've been wanting to improve on my photography skills also, so I think this will be the perfect opportunity :) 

January 1st - Resolution ~ I'm hoping to read the Bible through in 90 days using this reading plan, and would like to copy all of John and Proverbs into my journibles this year...

January 2nd - Warm ~ I just love a cup of hot cocoa to warm you up when it's chilly out...!

January 3rd - Snack ~ Tangerine, so yummy ; )